Hugo (inline) Spoiler shortcodeDecember 2020 431 3 mins HugoShortcode to include inline spoilers in markdown which are hidden by default and revealed on hover. The spoiler will be automatically hidden again when no longer hovered. ...
Hugo Pros and Cons shortcodeDecember 2020 438 3 mins HugoShortcode to easily include pro’s and con’s list in Hugo with markdown. This shortcode is derived from the column shortcode. ...
Hugo Tabs shortcodeSeptember 2020 589 3 mins HugoFor comparisons, and to save space, tabs are a useful UI element. This shortcode allows to easily create tabs in Hugo. ...
Hugo Mermaid shortcodeSeptember 2020 797 4 mins HugoA shortcode which allows to easily integrate Mermaid diagrams in your Hugo content. Mermaid is a JavaScript library which can draw various diagrams (flowchart, sequence diagram, class diagram, state diagram, …), it is well documented and there are plenty examples available. ...
Hugo KaTeX shortcodeSeptember 2020 385 2 mins HugoKaTeX is a powerful math/LaTeX typesetting. This shortcode provides an easy way to integrate KaTeX in your content. ...
Hugo Include file shortcodeSeptember 2020 123 1 min HugoIf you include large snippets of text, like source code, in you content the markdown gets bloated quite a lot. This shortcode provides a solution by allowing to include resource files as plain text which can be used as text in markdown and wrapped by other shortcodes, e.g. highlighting source code. ...
Hugo Hint/Quote shortcodeSeptember 2020 361 2 mins HugoShortcode to render hints/quotes within markdown. Dedicated blocks of text help to attract the attention of the reader, especially if they are in a different color. Just do not over use them or they will become annoying and people will automatically ignore them. ...
Hugo Expand shortcodeSeptember 2020 765 4 mins HugoA shortcode which allows one provide information which is hidden by default, if desired the user may expand it. This is useful to provide more detailed information which does not fit in a footnote or optional sections within the content. Readers which are interested may consume the extra content while other readers are not bothered by it. ...
Hugo Column shortcodeSeptember 2020 401 2 mins HugoShortcode to show content in multiple columns. Can be useful to save space or easily make compact comparisons. ...
Hugo Button shortcodeSeptember 2020 251 2 mins HugoShortcode which shows links as buttons which can be used to emphasize them or as a call for action. ...
Hugo Attachment shortcodeSeptember 2020 572 3 mins HugoShortcode which allows users to download page resource files, the files can be any extension or size. The user can download the files or open them in a new tab. ...
Hugo shortcodes with markdown, gotchasJuly 2020 1050 5 mins HugoGenerally Hugo works intuitively, unfortunately not for shortcodes with markdown text inside. While the documentation is often rather minimal, in this case it is incomplete. Having spend a lot of time wondering what i was doing wrong eventually a forum post a on the Hugo forums made everything fall in place. So to save you the effort i have summarized my findings here. This post only applies to Hugo 0.55 and beyond, at the time of writing i’m using 0.72. ...
Hugo + js = copy heading linksJune 2020 442 3 mins HugoExample on how to add copy-link buttons to headings for the convince of the user. While this is not the most important feature it is easy enough to implement so why not add it. ...
Hugo + js = enhanced code shortcodeMay 2020 2574 13 mins HugoExample on multiple minor additional features to enhance Hugo’s default way of showing code. ...
Hugo + js = enhanced figuresMay 2020 8026 38 mins HugoMultiple shortcodes to enhance Hugo’s default figure capabilities. Hugo supports figures out of the box by using the figure shortcode or the markdown syntax. They both work well if you quickly want to add an image. The Hugo shortcode supports some customization e.g. adjust dimension and what not but we want to go further. First of all images should auto scale to the available page width, use lazyload1 and have the ability to be shown modally. Images can come from the Page resources or external links. In addition some shortcodes are added to show images in different ways (gallery, grid, …). ...
Hugo + resources = inline svg iconsMay 2020 768 4 mins HugoExample on how to add custom svg icons which are configurable and easy to use in the content and/or your HTML layout when using Hugo. ...
Hugo + js = back to top buttonMay 2020 336 2 mins HugoExample on how to add a back to top button. This has nothing to do with Hugo itself, it is just a minimal Javascript snipped that allows you to jump back to the top of the page. ...
Hugo + css = dark/light themeMay 2020 1029 5 mins HugoExample on how one can implement different themes in CSS, this has nothing to do with Hugo itself. While having a light/dark (CSS) theme is not critical for a website some users do appreciate it and it is simple and fast to implement. ...
Hugo + js = highlighted table of contentsMay 2020 2256 11 mins HugoExample on how to highlight Hugo’s default generated table of contents. While Hugo provides a default TOC (table of contents) which you can include on your page it does not have many features, like highlighting. Fortunately it can easily be added. From a UX point of view highlighting is useful to orientate the user on a page, especially if you have long form content. It can indicate where the user currently is, what has been read already and what is currently visible. ...
Hugo + js = footnote pop-upMay 2020 1580 8 mins HugoExample on how to enhance Hugo’s default footnotes. By default Hugo will put the footnotes at the bottom of the article and provide “backrefs” to them. This works well, however if you click on a footnote you still jump to the end of the page (and back if you want to continue reading), which i find not ideal from a UX (user experience) perspective. Instead i prefer them to show in a pop-up. ...